Monday, June 4, 2007

Red, White & Newf Hat

It is a cold and rainy day here in Maine, so it somehow doesn't seem that odd to be presenting a wool/newf fuzz had in June. LOL I really like this hat and it is still hard for me to believe that red, I mean Santa Clause in your face red, natural white, and black newf fuzz could come together with so much subtlety. It is always great when something you make comes together so nicely.

I couldn't conn anyone into modeling it for me, so you get the cereal bowl/tennis ball can shot. I need less camera shy friends.

One more project off my list... WooHoo...


Joan said...

Brrr..cold in VT too but am NOT complaining! Just knitting some alpaca. LOL.

Michelle said...

Do you offer to shoot those camera-shy friends from the backs of their heads? (Boy, that SOUNDS bad! "Pose for me in my hat or I'll shoot you execution-style.")